Maelo Manning is a Liberal Democrat Blogger. Only eleven years old, Maelo has made the political world stand up and take notice with her blog Libdem Child. Listed in Total Politics as one of the top 75 Liberal Democrat Blogs and shortlisted as one of the best new Liberal Democrat blogs, Maelo has created a huge storm in the political blogosphere. spoke to Maelo in the run up to the Liberal Democrat Conference, asking her opinions on how the coalition has performed so far and how she thinks social media has affected grass roots politics.
In this, the party political season, WinkBall will be speaking to the four main political parties and finding out their views. In the run up to the Liberal Democrat Conference this September in Birmingham, WinkBall are speaking to campaigners, activists, bloggers and party members and discovering their opinions. With the coalition now over a year old, we will be asking Liberal Democrats how they think the party has fared in coalition, what the future holds for the party, the importance of social media in politics and much more. WinkBall’s coverage will present a unique myriad of political opinion that is conveyed through the medium of online video.